Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Published: May 1, 2021 Updated: Feburary 5, 2024

Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Genealogy Citation Builder.

  • This is the BETA version of this service.
  • You are welcome to signup for the service now.
  • By signing up for the service you are accepting the following terms:
    • This website and all associated services are provided "as is." We have tested it, however, we do NOT guarantee that the website will work as intended on all browsers or that the operation thereof will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that any errors will be corrected. Please let us know of any issues and we will do our best to address them, some things that you may view as an issue may be intended and will not change.
    • We are not responsible for any damage or data loss incurred with the use of the website.
    • Our best effort is made to provide you with fully operating website and service to make the process of generating genealogy citations easier. However, we can not guarantee that there will not be any problems and we are not responsible for any errors, damage, or data loss that may occur through the use of the service.
    • We are eager to receive your feedback and will strongly consider your suggestions.
    • You can request that your account is deleted at any time.
    • We'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.
  • The only information stored by the website is the information required to facilitate logins, manage subscriptions, and help generating future citations from previous citations. Your payment information is never stored. We store your email, name, and a hashed version of your password, though not your password directly. To save you time when generating citations from the same source, we store your generated citations so you may copy them in the future. You are welcome to delete generated citations if you like.
  • We use third-party vendors for payment processing and your credit card data will be handled and stored according to their privacy policies. Please see https://stripe.com/privacy.
  • There are no refunds.
  • If you sign up for email marketing communications, then your name and email will be stored on our email list management provider, ActiveCampaign. Your data will be handled in accordance to their privacy policy: https://www.activecampaign.com/legal/privacy-policy .

Website Feature Summary

  • The website does include all of the templates from the John H. Yates open-source EE-style templates. The templates are updated somewhat from what was originally posted.
  • The website does not allow for the creation of custom templates. We would be happy to add that feature in the future if there is enough interest in the website.
  • The website does save your citations. You can create new citations as well as copy existing citations all within the application.
  • To facilitate user logins, the website and service use cookies.
  • This website uses analytics services provided by Google Analytics. Website analytics refers to a set of tools used to collect and analyze usage statistics, enabling us to better understand how people use this service. This, in turn, enables us to improve the services offered through it. You do not have to allow us to use analytics cookies, however, if you use them or not does not pose any risk to your privacy or your safe use of the service [The analytics tracking does not store, save or read any of the information you enter on the website]. Allowing analytics data does enable us to continually improve this website, making it a better and more useful experience for you.

Contact Us

  • Contact us using the help button on the right side of the page.

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